For a Greener
Great Britain

Join us in our mission to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions with our clean energy solutions.
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Our Mission

At Voltis, we believe that the transition to renewable energy is not just a necessity but an opportunity - an opportunity to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for everyone. That's why we are committed to providing innovative, high-quality renewable energy solutions designed to make a difference to the energy generated for our grid.

A sustainable future is possible. We understand the devastating impact that climate change is having on our planet, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, and we know that urgent action is needed. By working together to transition to a more sustainable energy system, we can create a brighter future for ourselves, our children, and future generations.
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Why Solar?

As the technology has improved, solar panel equipment is inexpensive, maintaining a low price for energy.
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We know what times the sun will rise and set each day so it’s easy to forecast electricity generation.
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Once installed, solar farms don’t need much maintenance and don’t emit harmful byproducts as a result of generating electricity.
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Solar energy is converted to electricity on site, stored, and shared nationwide via the National Grid.
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Why Solar?

Low Cost

We believe that being veritable means being honest, transparent, and authentic in all aspects of our business operations. We hope to inspire trust and confidence and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.
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We believe that being veritable means being honest, transparent, and authentic in all aspects of our business operations. We hope to inspire trust and confidence and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.
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Low Impact

We believe that being veritable means being honest, transparent, and authentic in all aspects of our business operations. We hope to inspire trust and confidence and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.
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From Source to Grid

We believe that being veritable means being honest, transparent, and authentic in all aspects of our business operations. We hope to inspire trust and confidence and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.
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Our Projects

Our portfolio of wind and solar projects spans across the UK. Our state of the art wind turbines and solar panels are designed to generate maximum energy output while minimising impact onthe environment and local communities.

Our onshore wind projects utilise the latest technology to capture the energy of the wind and convert it into clean electricity. Our solar projects range from large-scale commercial installations to smaller sites, providing clean energy for all.

We are committed to promoting sustainable energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Our goal is to make clean energy accessible and affordable for everyone.
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Continue growing crops or raising livestock
With a wind or solar farm on your land there is the opportunity to utilise dual-use land management practices such as agrivoltaics. Agrivoltaics is the practice of growing crops or raising livestock under solar panels or wind turbines. This dual-use approach allows farmers to generate income from both the renewable energy project and their agricultural operation, making their land work harder for them.
Diversify the income from your land
Landowners will expect to receive annual lease payments for the duration of the project, which can provide a stable source of income for many years to come. These agreements are long-dated, inflation linked and provide a secure and diverse income, with zero-risk as fees are covered by us.
Increase Biodiversity on your land
Furthermore, Agrivoltaics has also been found to have direct benefits for the local environment and land restoration. Placing solar panels over cropland can reduce water consumption and the need for chemical fertilisers, while also providing shade for livestock. Additionally, agrivoltaics can also increase biodiversity on the land, as the combination of solar panels and vegetation creates a diverse range of microclimates and habitats for wildlife.


The residents near our sites are extremely important to us. This is where you live and we are determined to form relationships with our neighbours. We want to hear your concerns and work with you on solutions. We have a few things that we do to reach out to the community but we are always open to new ideas too - so please get in touch and let us know!
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